Yasushi Ikeda
Articles (peer-reviewed)
Mathematical Documents
- Quantum partial derivatives and argument shift method, November 10, 2024, 4th Workshop on Quantum Information and Foundation of Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum analog of Mishchenko-Fomenko theorem for Ugl_d (with Georgy Sharygin), March 13, 2024, Noncommutative Integrable Systems
- Quantum analog of Mishchenko-Fomenko theorem for Ugl_d, March 4, 2024, The 20th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers
- Quantum derivation and Mishchenko-Fomenko construction, September 28, 2023, Fourth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics
- Quantum derivation and Mishchenko-Fomenko construction, July 28, 2023, XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries
- Quantum derivation and Mishchenko-Fomenko construction, July 6, 2023, XL Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
- Commutativity of second-order quasiderivations in general linear Lie algebras, April 19, 2023, Lomonosov 2023
- Quasi-differentiation of central elements of the universal enveloping algebra Ugl_n, Octber 7, 2021, Third International Conference on Integrable Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics
- Quantum argument shifts in general linear Lie algebras, November 20, 2024
- Quantum argument shifts in general linear Lie algebras, October 16, 2024
- Second order quantum argument shifts in general linear Lie algebras, December 5, 2023
- Commutativity of the second order quasi-derivatives of the central elements of Ugl_n, September 27, 2022
- Операторы квазидифференцирования на Ugln и метод сдвига аргумента (with Georgy Sharygin), September 29, 2021
- Quasi-differentiation of central elements of the universal enveloping algebra Ugl_n, June 12, 2021
- A new method producing argument shift algebra for small dimension (with Georgy Sharygin), April 29, 2021